Our Rug Repair Services
Imagine a fine painting getting literally walked on all day long. Such is actually the case with valuable rugs. Expensive Persian or Asian rugs  are often in danger of deprecating rapidly in value as they bear the brunt of abrasive, ground in dirt particles and friction from shoes. Rugs are different from carpets in that they don’t have a subflooring  layer that offers them more durability.  Rug fibers can wear thin, and  weaves can then become unknotted. Worn fringes, moth damage and folded corners are generally known as common signs of an aging carpet. What makes rug repair even more demanding  is that there are  over 50,000 global  variations of rug weaves.  Rug Cleaners Boston employs master weavers  that can handle any type of weave pattern. Our craftsmen  use  different overcasting and selvedge techniques to restore carpet edges, fringes,  and even re-color faded areas.  Our experts can also fix severe trouble spots such as rips and tears  by patching them  with an almost seamless color and texture match.  

Our rug experts handle all types of exotic rugs including:
  1. Chinese Rugs
  2. Indian/Pakistan Rugs
  3. Egyptian Rugs
  4. Iranian/Persian Rugs
  5. Dhurry Rugs
  6. Berber Rugs
  7. Olefin Rugs
Anything that is dropped, spilled, or shed inevitably ends up on the rug. All foreign debris, even dust, can damage a rug and depreciate its value.  At Carpet Cleaning Boston we treat all rugs as works of art that require patient, special attention. Our goal for rug repair is to reverse or minimize all damage done to a rug, whether it be routine, “wear and tear” or more severe damage such as tears and holes. As with all our services, we fully guarantee our work. Give us a call and discover why Rug Cleaning Boston is devoted to customer service and satisfaction. 

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