Our Rug Cleaning Services

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Few interior cleaning jobs demand more finesse than cleaning a rug. Rug Cleaners Boston will give your rug the utmost respect and care. Many valuable rugs are composed of old textiles and dyes that are often very fragile.

We will quickly evaluate your rug with a thorough visual inspection as well as run a qualitative analysis of the rug fibers to determine the best cleaning methods. This step determines the type of dye used in the rug and whether there is a possibility that the dyes in the rug might bleed.

We then use compressed air to blow all dry and loose particulates out of the rug, leaving only deeply rooted stains and particulates to be removed by the wash process. This simple step removes a majority of the particles and contaminants from the rug.

Cleaning agents are then steam injected into the rug to dislodge stubborn debris. The loosened particulates are then vacuumed out.

This stage disinfects the rug fibers and removes especially stubborn stains and odors.

All cleaning agents are gently rinsed from your rug. The rug is then hung and flushed with a soft water finishing rinse.

Your rug is quickly dried in a climate controlled atmosphere.

After the cleaning process is over, the edges and fringes of the carpet are checked and touched up to remove any remaining smudges or stains.

The results of your cleaning are carefully checked to make sure no spots were missed and/or if any extra cleaning measures need to be taken.

The steps listed above are the result of over twenty years of rug cleaning experience in the greater Boston area. Our goal is to put value back into your rug by gentle cleaning techniques that won’t harm the material. Rug cleaning and restoration is a business built entirely on trust. Along with our great reputation, Rug Cleaning Boston is licensed, insured, and dedicated to customer service.

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